Frequent credit pulls and credit score

It’s only nuance is the “your score is not your bureau”.

You see all the inquiries on your bureau, and you might have three instead of two.

Your score is a point-in-time, calculated from what’s in your bureau (one in this case with 3 pulls).

In the newer scoring models (8 and 9) they consolidate against the trade-line that was opened (or not). Not to say it might not affect you this minute if you try to lease again from someone using v2 (which is disappearing fast, and it’s a very small ding if any) — and with the number of leases you go through, I can’t imagine it doesn’t go to an analyst 99% of the time (who approves it in under 5 minutes).

Chase (for instance) should only count those inquiries as one of your 5/24, though everything they do is a dark art that people only gossip about, as @Benedetto mentioned.