First time deal & questions - Hyundai Sonata SEL for $222 with $0 DAS 36/12

Hey guy,

Really appreciate all the advice on this forum. This is my first time leasing and I followed your recommendations: built a spreadsheet to calculate lease payments, went on KBB/Cargurus to verify sale price, and pissed off a boatload of dealers.

I have an outstanding offer for a 2019 Hyundai Sonata SEL. Just wanted to get your opinion before moving forward.

Summary: $222 before tax with $0 DAS and fees rolled into monthly

Terms: 36m/12k
MSRP: $25,085
Selling Price: $21,600
MF: 0.00222
Residual: 53% / $13,295
Incentives: $4,500
Location: Bay Area
Leasehackr score: 10 years

The dealer and I had originally agreed on $21,000 for the selling price. But his term sheet came back with $21,600 and claimed that he built the up front fees into the lease cash and selling price. Not sure how that math checks out to be honest and wanted to get your thoughts.

His cap reduction after fees (650 acq, $359 dmv, $123 doc) came out to be $3,400, with a net cap of $18,759.

Sell price of 21k would have been amazing, but good discount nonetheless. Your MF is marked up a bit. Tell them that since they added $600 to the sell price to give you the base MF of .00182 (it would take about $15 off your monthly payment.) Then you got a good deal IMO.

also check out I was able to get a $500 rebate from my credit union for my sonata

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