Early lease turn in fees. Never billed


It doesn’t matter. They can say one was mailed…that’s what happened to my wife curtesy of Macys. Funny thing is the transaction that generated the bill was a clerical mistake and not real. Paid the bill to collections and a month later we received a check from Macys for the exact amount admitting of their mistake. ~100 points ding on the credit.


Macy’s sucks! My wife also had issues with Macy’s.

100 points? That’s disgusting ,I would’ve fought that one to death!

I’m still contemplating suing but her score has so high when it dropped it was still in tier 1. Both last year leases are on her name and she qualified for all discounts and top rate…so i would have a hard time claiming financial damages. Her score is almost 800 now.

Hear ya! Sorry bout that

Did yall not dispute it to the credit bureau or asked Macys to delete the derog since it was their mistake?


Yep, forwarding letter of apology from Macy’s to all credit bureaus would be sufficient.

That’s me! OP, I’d advise you to call GMF immediately. And check your credit report first. You’re probably in for a world of annoying drama.

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