E-300 4matic loaner.... how do I start negotiating

I found a 2018 E300 4matic loaner that I would be interested in leasing. The MSRP of the car is 62,200. The RV is 59% and the MF is .001. The car is not listed yet therefore there is no sell price. I found the car by going to dealership and speaking with a sales rep. If I wanted to get the car now, it would take approximately 1 week to get it because it still has to go through the cleanup/inspection process they put loaners through. The car’s “age” at the dealership is about 100 days old.

  1. Given that it has not yet been listed, and that it is not going to be CPO’d, would this mean I can get a better deal because the dealer is saving money on the listing and CPO’ing it?

  2. Looking at previous E300 loaner deals on LH, I see people getting 18% or more off MSRP BEFORE any incentives. I’ve tried negotiating similar numbers to that with other dealers and I had no luck. I made a chart of all the different Lease Hackr calculations for this car varying by percent discount off MSRP.

The sales price on the car in my chart is BEFORE the 2k incentive I get for Penfed. The numbers for the monthly payment and the driveoff include the 2k incentive.

Ideally, I would want 20% or more off MSRP before the 2k incentive but I don’t even know if that would be possible. But, realistically, I would settle for the numbers for 17-18 % off MSRP before the incentive.

How do I begin my negotiation… is it even realistic asking for a selling price of 20% or more off MSRP?

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Basic Lease and Negotiation Questions for 2018 E300 Loaner