Dealer says MSD is a saving's account


Deal looks good to me. It’s $7,000 off MSRP, plus $2,250 in rebates, and no MF mark-up or bogus fees.

Here’s what I got on Leasehackr Calculator. Pretty similar numbers:

Only mystery is the MSD of $3,300 versus $2,750. I don’t think it’s a huge deal. If it’s an error, Lexus Financial won’t fund the lease. The dealer would likely have to send you an updated lease contract and a refund for the extra MSD.

It seems to me that the $7,000 includes the $2,250 tax free incentive. It isn’t allocated to anything else… apparently, it isn’t applied to the $7,010.35 DAS as far as I can see and it isn’t used as a cap reduction. The only cap reduction is $2,317.89. Where else could it be other than embedded in the MSRP discount.
The MSD’s number 5 or 6. The worksheet uses 6 MSD’s. What’s puzzling is line 12… the $1,500 cash down. It appears that it’s not being applied anywhere.

Your drive off from the calculator is 1472 which includes first month, tax on rebate, registration, etc. That’s not down payment, if they charge you 1500, then your down payment is 1500 - 1472 = 28.

Drive off according to the lease worksheet, line 42, is 7010.35.

my bad, @delta737h you’re right, deal does not seem as good. They included the rebate in the sales price. Cash down is even more at 2317.89. It’s like $609 per month.

thanks for the input you guys. Got myself a broker during the process and he’s got a good deal for me so i’m waiting on that. I’ll return with updates.

thanks again. i learned a lot!