Deal check on Chevy Equinox EV 2lt

From SB county, CA, Was offered this deal on 2024 Equinox 2LT for 24/10k lease with rebates like supplier code, GM credit card, conquest without active lease. New to leasing and unsure of total payment including title and registration. Any thing that I’m missing as this seems unbelievably good.

here is my calculator based on my understanding, please help correct me.

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$2675 due at signing then $248 a month for the next 23 months. Am I reading this correctly?

This seems high. What is the true MSRP of the vehicle? I don’t think what you have in the calculator is correct.

I’m having a hard time understanding their printout. It says first payment is $5900, $6700 initial payment, then $2600 DAS. Your calculator doesn’t make sense either. Are you trying to do a one pay?

Yes quote is for one pay after 4k rebates applied

This does not look like a very good lease at all with $4k in rebates.

I just got a 2RS with SuperCruise and 15k miles/yr for $5900 one-pay with only $3500 in rebates.

I would keep looking or negotiate down. I’d be wanting closer to $3000 one-pay for a base model with 4k in rebates.

thank you for your feedback, signed the contract today and updated calculator is this

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This is 2490 out the door for 24
Month. That’s legendary deal! 38200 gross cap cost is crazy low. Nice job

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so just to confirm you are doing a one pay for $2490? Are you paying anything monthly? I see the calc says the above but can you confirm?

Wow, this is an amazing deal! Who was your salesperson? Was this at Rotolo Chevrolet?

Any specific reason to guess it’s Rotolo?

It’s one pay and no monthly payments

Besides it saying that on the screen shot :slight_smile:

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Hello @ahayupp, I was guessing the name from the screenshot you posted, I may be mistaken. If you are able to share, that would be amazing. I am hoping to buy one over the Labor Day weekend.

That’s a killer deal. Could you please share the dealer details, I would love to get one if it’s still out there, thanks!

Just curious. What is that $3k post sale rebate in CA?

Just a typo on the Calculator it should be in the rebates vs post sale section.
The deal can be replicated just depends on how much of the $4K in rebates you can get . If you have a non-gm lease and take their credit card you pay around $3600 one pay ($3K rebate to get there), if you also have the supplier GM (ie work at certain companies) you get $4K rebate and thus pay circa $2600 .

These numbers work on the basis of a 10% off MSRP to start then add the rebates.


Sierra Chevrolet of Monrovia is the dealer.

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FYI, I got 13.55% off of MSRP.


does anyone know if these deals are still alive this month?

Yes, it’s alive this month too. Couple of friends got my deal matched on 9/1, 9/2. Not sure post Labor Day.