Deal Check: BMW 440i Convertible 2020


Live in Maryland. Working on a 2020 BMW 440i Convertible. A bit confused as when I put their numbers into the calculator, they come out to $728 per month, while theirs are around $885:

Deal Calculator

Where is that $157 more per month coming from?

We aren’t psychics, but you have a lot of errors in your calculation. I’d bet the down payment and DAS also don’t match.

Ignoring why the numbers don’t match, $728 is an atrocious deal, much less $885. I wouldn’t even worry about making the numbers match up at this point and start with figuring out what a good target deal is first.

That bad… They are saying that the convertibles don’t have much room due to demand. What should I be getting?

In Maryland in the winter?

2019 Z4s are 15% pre rebates right now lol

Of course they are. Nothing says high demand for convertibles like February in the north east.

You’re at 2% discount right now. General rule of thumb target for bmws is 10-12% pre-incentive. On a convertible, in the winter, on a model due for a refresh soon? I’d expect on the deeper side of that.

Talk to @Bostoncarconcierge and see what he can get you one for. He’s charging less for an M4 CS.

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2% off? holy cow…run