Deal Check: 2024 Ioniq 5 Limited AWD midwest $188 for 13m

Midwest Ioniq 5 limited AWD

Thank you for any advice and help.

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Hard to decipher this deal. Is this a 13 month one-pay? It looks like you are putting down over $3K and ending up with a monthly payment of $178. For that low a payment just do the one pay.

Regardless there is not enough discount to consider this a good deal.

First thanks for your advice.
No unfortunately this is not a 13 months one pay.
From what I’ve been reading is to not put anything down so would it be unwise to pay all 13 months , down payment and etc all at once?
Also what is considered a good enough discount on Ioniq 5 limited AWD in non CARB states.

There’s a couple topics on onepay: How Much Does A One-Pay Lease Save? — LEASEHACKR, but generally it’s pro-rated payments, so more like a security deposit than making a large down payment which isn’t covered by gap insurance.

Your title is misleading. With $3,5xx DAS your actual cost isn’t anywhere near $188 per month.