Please close this forum

Please close this forum. I got my questions answered. Thanks all for your feedback. Prolly not go with the deal

What is the pre-incentive sale price? Can you share a link to the LH calculator? It will make it easier for folks to evaluate your deal.

Loyalty should be $1500. I believe lease cash is also $1500 this month.

@NATO has a 2023 540i for transfer around this price. I’d take that instead imo


I see you added some additional info to your post. I would push for at least 20% off MSRP before any incentives, with the base MF.

What is the breakdown?

This is a bad deal
Take @NATO lease transfer instead


Another vote for @NATO ’s 540i. Clean color combo too


Pretty much what everyone else said already. @NATO has a clean 540i ready for a transfer.


I am sure OP got the memo about the available 540 lease transfer. :grin:

I heard that guy NATO has a lease up for transfer with a clean color combo


Acquiring @NATO’s BMW 540i lease transfer presents a unique opportunity for an automotive enthusiast. The 540i is renowned for its powerful performance, luxurious features, and sleek design, offering a driving experience that blends comfort and sportiness seamlessly. By taking over NATO’s lease, you not only gain access to a premium vehicle but also potentially benefit from favorable terms, making it a compelling proposition for those seeking a high-quality, well-maintained car without the long-term commitment of ownership.


540 > 530

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ok chat-gpt


I identify as the meme aficionado, not as ChatGPT.

(please don’t ban me, just spoonfeed me)

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Huge thanks everyone! While I completely love @NATO 540 and the B58 engine is just amazing, even with the same DAS of $3500, the monthly payment for the 530i still comes in at $426 pre-tax, which is significantly lower than the $570 for the 540. Unfortunately my wallet will not allow me that payment walk :cry:

You’re at $542 effective on this 530i.

That doesn’t include any additional expenses such as replacing an extra set of tires

at 7500 miles too

That’s a bare bones 5 series.

OP - you don’t have to delete your original post next time. It’s actually still available to view if anyone wants to see it.

Thread closed at OP’s request