Deal Check 2023 Audi Q5


Thanks for taking a look at this. It sounds like I gotta get some more details from the dealer. Will provide them as soon as received.

Don’t go to the dealer before you’ve done some research here. Once you figure out your numbers put together your target deal and present it to the dealers in your area.

Here it is.

MSRP: 57,925 (Tax @ 7.25%)
Selling: 53,825 (7.08% off)
36mo / 10k
RV: 64%
MF: 0.0019
MSD: 10
Fees: 895 (acq), 85 (dealer), 684 (gov.)
Disp.: 495
M: 643 (tax incl)

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what state are you in CA?

Yes, I’m in SoCal

On the surface this looks not bad at all. Discount is decent.

Is this Q5 sportback?

Before MSD or after? What’s the buy rate MF for your region?

From what I know, 10th deposit is useless. Max MSDs that actually reduce your MF for Audi is 9. 10th one will not reduce it further and will just sit there. Ask them to change MSDs to 9. Appears you are required to do full 10 to get full MSD reduction, even if only 9 are actually reducing rate.

And maybe shop around for bigger discount. 10% should be attainable.

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I would try to get closer to 10% assuming you have base MF. Check with @DonnyAudi if you haven’t already.

He’s quoting my deal, lol. I appreciate the reference! 10% isn’t doable here on a Q5, it would be a net net loser. Keep in mind, A&B (A4,Q5 etc) segment cars have less room than C&D (Q7,Q8 etc,).

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Doesn’t work that way, you have to pay for 10 MSD’s to apply 9. Last we spoke with AFS this was the case. Every time we push it with less it will kick back and the lease will not be validated.

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Yup, straight from Donny… Maybe I should have cited the source.
Reached out to the other gentlman and it was just tad lower but insignificant. Plus he wasn’t too friendly to this newbie with explanations.


Hmmm that’s interesting. Thanks for clarifying. I do clearly remember bit about only 9 actually reducing rate.

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That part is correct, oddly you have to pay for +1 on what you’d like to reduce (ex. 8 MSD’s reduce .0004 but you’d have to pay for 9 MSD’s.) Max reduction is .00045.

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Not sure why you are shopping a broker’s deal. If that is the best you can do, either take it or leave it.

who was the “other” gentleman?

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