Deal check: 2020 XC90 T5 AWD Momentum (loaner)

Hi everyone

Below is an offer I received from a dealer here in Seattle area.

Is this a good deal?

MSRP: $59,310
Discount: $13,935
Sales Tax: $1,819.67
Dealer/State Fees: $935.75
Total Price: $48,130.42
RV: 57.57%
MF 0.002
12K/year, 36months, $0 down, $1,550 drive off, monthly $539.3(inc. Tax)

From Edmunds I learned MF could be 0.00122 in this area. And I’ve been researching on this forum to learn right calculation. From the calculator, the monthly payment based on my offer seems lower then my expected monthly pay $539.3. even with MF 0.002.
If I could request to lower the current MF to 0.00122, is it right to expect around $50 off from current monthly payments?

Thank you,

Before you do anything, you should figure out why this doesn’t match. Are there hidden fees you’re missing, etc?