Deal Check: 2020 Acura TLX Tech package


My lease is expiring on my 2017 Acura tlx tech package in the next few days. The numbers I got from a dealer is $335.35 a month with $2350 down. Does this look like a good deal? The only thing I can’t figure out is if the selling price is the pre-incentive discount. Thanks in’s advance for any help.

The selling price your dealer is offering you INCLUDES the Acura-to-dealer incentive. To calculate pre-incentive discount you need to back it out.

Thank you. I re-did the calculator with the dealer incentive added back into the selling price. The payment is a little off.

Your calculator is incorrect.

Selling Price = pre-incentive selling price
Untaxed incentives = Acura to dealer cash
Taxed incentives = your loyalty cash

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Thanks I reviewed the post. I still can’t get my numbers to come close for the $335 per month payment. Not sure if I should just extend the lease on my 2017 until next year or if I should take this lease.

I think this calculator is the deal you have ($5550 is most likely manufacturer to dealer, so not taxed)

Not sure how aggressive TLX deals are right now, but not an ripoff deal imo. Now, would I personally pay that much for an outgoing TLX? That’s a different question :wink: I’d speculate that 2021 TLX’s will be decently higher priced than the outgoing model, but would be a new redesign.

Thanks for the feedback. Now the calculator makes sense. I have been back and forth with a lot of dealers and this was the best offer. I thought I could get a good deal since the re design is coming but it has been rough. I am seriously thinking of just extended my lease to next year and see if things get better :roll_eyes: