Cruze LT Hatch Lease Deals for May?

My 2014 Cruze lease is coming due in July. Starting to look for a new lease deal. Are there any good lease deals on the 2017 Cruze LT Hatchback for May? or should I wait for the July 4 deals? Lease expires 7/8

Im in CT, the car is with my daughter in NC

Looking for 36 or 39 month lease

Chevys lease best for 24 months. I’m not sure if the numbers are out for May yet

Not always. Certain version of Camaro have same RV for 36 and 24! They can change monthly. All depends on discounts and incentives too.

When do numbers for the new months typically come out?

@thewillb Today … 11 am or so is the call

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waiting eagerly for updated numbers/promotions

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