Credit application - dodge

It’s usually 90 days that you can shop around, but you also shouldn’t do a credit application at every dealer you walk into. Only do one once you’ve settled on a deal.

That’s kind of irrelevant since parts are sourced from all over the world and Americans can be built in Maxico while Europeans can be build in South Carolina.

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Most American cars are built in Mexico while many European and Asian cars are built in the US.

Strange thing, globalization.

Plus, Volvo isn’t even European.

Volvo is a Swedish manufacturer, though their S60 and V60 are made in South Carolina. They are also a subsidiary of Geely, a Chinese company.

Not V60 - built in Europe.

I thought that was the case, but I was mistaken! Either way, a large portion of European and Asian American market cars are manufacturered here in the states.

To buy a car assembled in Canada with an engine made in Mexico. BUILD THE WALL!

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Should I apply for a $3k loan by credit union, pay it in 6 months, then try to get a dodge in the Summer ?
Can it help? They have these credit build loans. I got approved, but the guy asked me why would you do it - you have high scores anyway (I applied recently, after visiting all these dealerships… , so it’s after the high inquiries of the cars). I told him I want to lease a charger. He said I’m not sure if it’s gonna help, but it will not harm.

The question is: will it bring me to higher tier this loan? (1/2)
Will I be able to get my Charger?

A word of advice; all of the hard inquiries you are piling up are eventually going to hurt your credit score. Plus, it will be 2021 before they all drop from your reports now. As others have suggested, only apply for credit when you need it.

3k is a pretty low sum for an auto loan. Most banks will require that you get at least 5k for a car or else they’d only offer you a personal loan for anything less and those have crazy high interest rates.

What are you using at the moment to check your credit records? (if you’ve not used before you can trial the premium version for 1 month and revert to free version) or equivalent? Are the only issues affecting your credit these recent applications? You need to know exactly how it is currently in order to know what next steps you should take, otherwise you risk prolonging the decline cycle you’re in.

Longer term you clearly need to start expanding your credit footprint, probably through a small loan or a credit card and then gradually expand your credit. A credit union will almost certainly be the best avenue as they’ll already know your financial history and tend to be more lenient. Getting a credit card from the credit union is probably the easier way to gain credit as it’s less restrictive than a loan. You might need to wait a little while before applying though, unless your credit union can guarantee you’ll be accepted.

Get a 24month used car loan from the CU, buy a used car with it and make all payments. That’s by far the best way to build auto credit. Then you can lease. There’s no point in continuing to take hard credit inquiries right now.

Dodge’s parent company is FIAT Chrysler, not 100% American. The car is built in Canada, not exactly America. I guess they are mostly white, it’s okay.

I’ve sold 8 cars on Craigslist and only been shot twice.

Wait, are you actually serious? :rofl:


OK, I’ve had enough of this nonsense. If someone feels differently - PM me.