Confused about negative depreciation leasing Volvo XC90 in CA

Sure. My question was around the recently activated ABA account that happens to be eligible to receive the pin ( active lawyer) . My brother inlaw whom is a lawyer signed up last week can he still generate a code for me to use ?

If he’s been a member for 90+ days. So the answer in your case is a “no”.
Edit: clarify “last week”.

I got my pin on the Nov 15th but are not sure if the pin has already been generated before the qualification changes would still be considered valid.
With that said sounds like in order to for the pin to be valid:

  1. The membership needs to be more than 90 days
  2. Generated by verified active lawyer

This is not “last week”

This was discussed in another thread.

Just tried using the pin that was generated on Nov 15th and it didn’t go through

Not sure what you are saying. First you ask a question:

Then, in the next post you say you already had the pin on 15th:

If your lawyer BIL was a member before 21st and generated the pin for you before 21st, then it should work (but no one knows for sure).

My in-law is a lawyer and the pin was generated on the 15th. Still didn’t work

Have him try generating a new pin. My girlfriend’s father had to do that with AMA. The old one showed as invalid but the new one was fine. Seems like Volvo invalidated them all and we had to all do new ones. She gets her XC90 today.