Confessions of a mediocre negotiator

Who cares what any of the prices are relative to invoice, if you’re looking to lease, the payment is what ultimately matters, yes negotiate the biggest discount, but in the end you’re really just talking about the payment, so MF’s and residuals and rebates/incentives are important. Find a vehicle or two that will work for you then start hammering away at dealers for the best deal. just because you got the biggest discount on one car doesn’t mean it’s the lowest payment.

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Good point.

I’m just coming from having heard the LH manta, never let them know you are leasing until you have locked down a good price. And with Fords having a low RV, (or VWs having a crazy high MF) it just seems had to get there from here without a low starting price.

Yeah I don’t completely agree with that, by not telling them your leasing, you could potentially miss out on a particular deal or car, you should be asking what the price is anyways. And if it’s a dealer that doesn’t want to disclose everything just move on.

That’s not a mantra here at all. Most people here know there are often purchase rebates that don’t apply to leases. And the sales guy isn’t paying attention to everything you say; if he thinks you’re buying he’s gonna quote you a lower number that includes purchase rebates. Regardless of whether you said “before rebates”.


agree with max and Joe. the whole concept of “don’t tell them if you’re leasing or buying” doesn’t work because the incentives are different on each.