Comprehensive list of Volvo dealers and inventory

New incentives are available. I had to change the API key again since yesterday.

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Thank you. Really helpful stuff. Good to learn new tech skills and make life easier.

hate to be the dummy, but other than entering zip and car, how do I use this?

Click on Run all from the Runtime menu. After that, if you want to change the form parameters, you can click on the “Play” button to the left of the cell you are editing and it will refresh only that part.

thanks Ed. Even when I change the radius, I only see the one very local dealer. I know there at least 5 within 100 miles.
Also, seems to only run from the runtime/all menu.

For the volvo dealer search it produces a volvo.json file that you can download. The notebook only shows the first dealer found. Click on the folder icon on the left side of the screen, and then click on the little dots next to volvo.json and download it.


Great work! I love this.

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thanks Ed.

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Thank you for this!

I’ve been trying to find inventory near me, but I’m not a developer so I’m a bit lost. Here are the steps I’ve followed so far:

  1. Open inventory notebook, click Run all from the Runtime menu. Result: Finds 70 cars w/default model, zip, radius. Change zip to 98087, rerun all from runtime menu, finds zero results.

  2. Open dealers notebook, edit the zip and radius, click Run all from the Runtime menu. Result: finds first dealer in my zip 98087 radius 250. Download volvo.json to grab all dealers in search radius.

  1. Where does the downloaded volvo.json file get uploaded? I uploaded to the inventory notebook via upload to session storage. It uploaded to the content folder, should I upload it to a different folder? I tried mounting the drive in both notebooks, but it’s not working. How do I get the inventory notebook to use the volvo.json dealer file for the inventory search?

Thank you!

Sorry about that. It’s more of a proof of concept at the moment and a bit hard to use.

If all you care about is inventory, you don’t need to use the dealer notebook at all, just the inventory one.

Though I think Volvo may have changed something. Let me look…

Edit: Actually it looks like Volvo’s inventory is just broken at the moment. The search via isn’t working for me either.


Looks like it is back. So the other problem you were likely having is because of the latitude and longitude. I added spots in the form for those so if you update them and your zip I think it should work. Let me know!

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Not that anyone asked, but I should validate that I downloaded the notebook locally on my Mac running homebrew, changed a couple parameters, and it ran with python3 without a problem.

Personally I like getting that output into a file and grepping for whatever I want, but I’m strange (if you hadn’t seen the obvious already).

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Nice! Glad to hear people are actually using it.

I’m going to try to make it more user friendly. I’ve been busy trying to lease a car :laughing:


That is the priority

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Update: Inventory notebook now looks up lat and lon automagically. Just tried zip code 90210 and it worked. Pretty sure that’s more than 200 miles away :wink:

I also added READMEs to each one. Let me know if anyone has any other trouble.


Woohoo!! It works. I’m not exactly sure how to narrow my search down to the trim level I want, but I’m just gonna copy/paste the results to excel and sort from there. Thank you again!

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Great. I’m going to add a table to make it easier to get into a spreadsheet. The text format is probably not very good for that.

I just put the data in table form. You can either copy and paste the table or download the CSV file. Both will make it much easier to get into a spreadsheet.


Thank you! So, I’m officially a beta tester with feature request privileges now? Lol. Sincerely appreciate your work on this side project.

@mizzcb is the first official beta tester :slight_smile: