Career Hackrs?

Some good advice here. Be very careful of what you sign when you start with a new place. There may be disclosure requirements or worse ownership claims on the work you do… like if you work for company X and work on your startup on the side but use their computer or time they could claim ownership. Hard to prove but be careful.

Agree on the power of the referral but it’s got to be someone who actually knows the hiring manager or recruiter.

Also big fan of the side hustle. I built a business on the side while I had a full time gig and didn’t talk about it. My performance reviews always said I was doing a great job and the extra income kept me there. People I work with now know I have side hustles but I’m selective how much I talk about it because of the perception that you’re not engaged with the main job.

Almost every company is hiring remote and for my current company it’s helped us add great talent. Target the role and or company you want to work at and in most cases they have no issue with it.

Good luck!


Unless it specifically says you can’t do it in your employment contract, it’s none of the employer’s business what you do in your non-work hours.

Are you looking for a dev job in Big Tech? If so, study leetcode. That’s what interviews are all about. Which is dumb, because it comes down to how well you can do leetcode. But it’s the way. Master those questions and you’ll master the exams.

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On remote work:

Used to be an in-office only person mainly because I also did not like to take work home… what happens in the office… stays in the office.

Since Covid, was forced to work remote and the plethora of tools for collaboration made it actually better than working in office as I communicate with my team more than before.

Have to work more during non-office hours but there is way more flexibility in juggling home stuff with work stuff.

I’ve always lived very close to my work so handling errands, kids, appointments, home repairs was easy but working from home is a whole new level of convenience. But you have to be able to handle remote work… I know some people who are bad at it and I can never get a hold of which should be the opposite.

I would only go back to an in office job if it were a dream job and I didn’t have a choice… like acting or playing pro sports… can’t WFH for those gigs. :slight_smile:

Good luck!

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