Car Insurance Deductibles

Aren’t these two different things??meaning I only need to satisfy the conditions of the top or bottom

And it will be much more expensive than just properly insuring it in the first place.

Odd even the broker didn’t say anything at the time. He saw the papers as well

No that isn’t correct read our above statements about the groupings

No, they are not. The OR clause is referring to the per incident property damage. You can have the 50k per incident or you can have the 500k overall

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Meme please.


Imma check my contract :sunglasses:. No clue where it is though. Any Volvo brokers here know about this?

I doubt they noticed

How was I given a car without proper insurance. Dealer must be retarded

Always a good place to start, although it will tell you the same thing.

No think of it this way. The first 4 have to do if you hit someone else. It’s for them.
The next 2 Comp/Coll have to do to fix your car. If you don’t have Comp/Col, who’s going to fix your car when it’s a YOUR FAULT accident?

All 5(Actually 6) numbers have to be met, but #2 and #3 can be merged into #4. That’s all it says.

Ultimately, the only person that’s going to be hurt here is you and your wallet.


#1, #2 & #3 are similar to 4

Lucky I found out. I was about to raise the deductibles to even higher

As an 18 year old that’s a high risk of getting in an accident, even if your lease would allow that, that’s a bad idea.


2500 deductible means I would pay 2500 out of pocket regardless if the damage is 10k

Yes that is correct

Yes, the first $2500 comes out of your pocket.

And most leasing companies know their customers don’t have $2500 in free cash, hence the $1000 requirement.

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:thinking: interesting