Can you do a single pay lease if you’re unemployed?

Never said anything about listing your employer. I actually said it’s fraud if you lie…reading comprehension chief.

Tell us how you’d have one of your unemployed customers fill this out by claiming last year’s employment income without committing fraud, and still have the employment income count for qualification:

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Kind of a Catch-22, no? Unless you live in a place with a decent public transit system how do you get around without a car?

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Shouldn’t be hard to get a job in the Denver area, they seem abundant. Even no skill jobs are paying $14/hr, you could probably stumble into a temporary $20/hr job without much effort.

Did she get a severance package? She should at least get unemployment which counts as income.

And no she doesn’t “need” a new car.

So go grab a decent used car private party, then sell it later on for what you paid. 10 year old Civics and Accords and CRV’s aren’t going to lose any value in a couple months. Find one where the owner can’t even be bothered to detail it or take good pics and you’ll probably make some coin just by cleaning the seats. Obviously this requires someone who knows how to inspect a used car at least somewhat well.

Or have friends like me with vehicles just sitting around needing to be used :rofl:

Anyway; there are many better options than committing a crime.


Why stop at the vibe? Just get an Aztec. But in all seriousness, get the matrix wannabe.

This seems like solid advice.



Just get This Prius. Yeah, it’s a significant step down from the CX5 but it will get your friend to job interviews (cheaply and reliably) it won’t lose too much money and they can sell if off fairly easily once the employment situation is better.

Then by all means tell your friend to sign up to Leasehackr and start looking for some decent deals in a few months time. (if we’re not all still quarantined anyway)

Drug dealer!!!

Edit: Or pimp.

Why would you (or anyone) want to do a one pay lease without a job and no idea when they will get their next one? That 10k should be taking care of basic needs (COBRA insurance payments, rent/mortgage, food, etc…) until some income is coming in (Temp job, unemployment, selling blood/plasma, new permanent job, etc…).

What is OP going to do when there’s no money coming in to handle basic living expense but has a 1 pay car paid off in the driveway? Uber/Lyft/Taxi, friend’s car, family’s car…something else in the interim.

Insurance totaled the car because the engine would take 4 months to arrive? If insurance is covering the car, she should have some temporary use of a rental covered by insurance to buy her some time before Uber/Lyft/Family car comes into play.

I wish it was that exciting. Actually, I sold quality Pre-Owned Newborn Breast Pumps on the internet and local clinic groups. Was a huge market for them before the Insurance companies started actually providing coverage on those items (Affordable Health Care Act/market dried up overnight). But I made enough to make it through If that’s what I choose.

The best answer for “yearly income” is always what you earned the previous year which can be verified by tax returns.

It is in no way fraud to list your total income from the previous year as “yearly income” on an application.

Some people here just like to argue with everything.


In fact… it’s not only not fraud, it’s preferred to use whatever is on your last tax return as your income on any credit app - “current year” income is often a fluid guesstimate especially for people who are self employed, business owners, in sales or other commission based businesses, etc etc etc.

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I understand one pay is not for everyone and One pay has its pros and cons.
But one can take calculated risk and save some $$$.
GM Financial one pay for example offers better rewards —

I’m usually the fraud police, but

I’ve seen credit apps worded “what is your annual income” (usually higher-end brands/stores) and I’ve seen “how much is your current monthy/biweekly/weekly income”. If it’s the latter, and you aren’t on an extended severance, I’d say fraud. The former? Where people who are self employed and commission based are encouraged to be optimistically honest? (Eg what mortgage broker can predict, no matter how good/established they are?)

That doesn’t mean “cheat the cheaters”, but answer the questions given honestly.

And I agree a used car is a smarter move, but if financing that in same boat.

One pays are great for many people in many situations. And a One Pay could not be less appropriate for the subject of this thread. Complete mismatch of product and situation.

Was he at least partially correct and you made a typo above?


[quote=“trism, post:23, topic:238913”]

The image I posted is from a blank BMWFS credit application.

It doesn’t ask where you worked last year. It asks for the name of our employer. And then it asks for employment income.

If you claim to be employed and you are not, you’re lying. If you list your employer as “None” and have no other income, you’re going to get declined.

If you are self employed you would list your employer as “Self.”

If you are a business owner and not a sole proprietor you would list your company name as the employer.

If you are neither but in commissioned sales, you’d list the name of the company you work for.

But none of these are what we’re talking about.

If you are unemployed you have no employment income, and no employer.