Can someone please help me understand my lease?

Year, Make, Model, and Trim: 2020 Mercedes Benz C43 sedan
MSRP: $63180
Acquisition fee (if capitalized): 1095
Monthly Payment: $702.93 (includes everything)
Drive-Off Amount: $1500
Months: 36
Annual Mileage: 12k
MF: 0.00193 (from edmunds)
Residual: $37,863.25 (59% from edmunds)
Incentives: $2000 (edmunds says $1500 dealer incentive)
Region: San Francisco, CA (9.5% tax rate)

I have following questions:

  1. “Residual value” = “MSRP (sticker)” * “residual percentage”. If residual value is the value you pay to buy the car after lease term is over, Why is it calculated against MSRP? Why it’s not calculated against negotiated selling price?
  2. I have attached my lease docs here, how do I fill these values in leasekackr calculator? In leasekackr calculator, what is “Selling Price”, is it “agreed upon value” or “gross cap cost” or “adjusted cap cost”?
  3. I did not do any old car trade or anything, but still I see “capitalized cost reduction” of $1857.63, what is it? Also it’s added to calculated “total due at signing” and later removed to get “adjusted capitalized cost”. I did not understand this part.
  4. I used my ADA member incentive i.e. “Executive Allowance Bonus (EAB) incentive” which is “C43W4/63W/63WS $2,000”. Does that mean I should get a “dealer incentive of $1500 + EAB of $2000”?

Please help me understand the lease deal. Also I hope others can benefit from this and can get better deal than mine :slight_smile: .

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Pulling a trigger - 2020 Mercedes Benz C43?