Calculator Upgrade

I’m honestly not even sure at this point. Generally I’m not off. I still think the dealer is capping msds and therefore taxing them.

They are trying to sneak your extra $600 in. There is no way to cap MSDs. Customer GIVES them this money and they ADD it to cap cost AND tax it on top? :grin:
Could do CCR by mistake, but not the other way.

Would it be possible to update the calculator to correctly adjust for volvo MSDs? should be the post msd payment rounded up to the nearest $50…


@aronchi @Bostoncarconcierge @nyclife Is this still the case? If so, we will update. Currently for Volvo it’s set as pre-MSD and rounded up to the nearest $25.


I have seen it as post-msd payment rounded up to the nearest 50.