Brand new to this!

Once you’re tier 1 you’re tier 1. They don’t care if that’s 700 or 850

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Makes sense!!

Enjoy the i8. Why is your credit score so low? :stuck_out_tongue:

I took your advice and paid off all my low interest credit. Apparently they don’t like that…remind me not to take advice from Internet gurus


I just PMd you for some credit tips. :slight_smile:


You should have vanity plates on your 2007 Lexus that say “834FICOOOO”

That’ll show all the plebes who are out there frivolously spending their hard earned money on flatscreens and sneakers.


I get the point you are trying to make however surly this is an exaggeration? Yes it isn’t based solely on score but a 500 getting tier one? I find that very hard to believe.

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568 is not 500

True, you have a point.

Can’t wait for a picture of your dick


Careful Big :bear:, we’re about to get Milton Berle’ed by Suze Orman.

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Wow the follow ups to that basically write themselves. A veritable cornucopia from which to choose.


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Think chipmunk.

That doesn’t match the scuttlebutt on the Prague sub-Reddit. Nor in the Admiral’s Club.

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Must resist comment about a mouth full of


Rear Admiral?

You guys should take this conversation over to Scruff.

Hey @StingerTT , I’m new to leasehackr also and really want to learn the ropes of leasing. Do you think you can link the leasehackr 101 page for me?

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Explore this Page:

Thank you!