Brand New Mach-E Totaled

Did she purchase “extras” such as a warranty contract or maintenance plan. Those typically go 2-4k+ and you can cancel those in this kind of case and get a pro rated amount back which if she just got the car will be the overwhelming majority of it back.

Thanks for this – will be sure to ask!

Almost definitely not funded yet. Also you might be within the 30 day window to add or remove products including gap coverage.

For anyone who read, or reads this down the line:

Sister-in-law ended up getting back MSRP for the vehicle that was totalled. She was able to renegotiate with original dealer as well and got the same MSRP deal previously w/the Mustang, along with additional rebates, meaning she came out ahead ultimately. So while this has a happy ending, there are other factors that may have come to play in case someone reads and expects similar outcomes. Turns out the person who hit her was a local county official driving in an official county car. Their insurance/the county might have said they didn’t want the hassle of a potential lawsuit and made things right from the get go.

Thanks to all for your great insights – this is a great community!


Glad this worked out. Nobody hurt, money recovered, has a car.

Now, it would be very interesting to FOIA that official’s work driving history and see if somebody is out there drunk driving county vehicles.