🦞 BostonCarConcierge February Audi - Update for 2/4 - 12.5% off Q7s!

Flash Deal!

One car and one car only - Base trim Audi Q5 55e

MA residents only

12 Months
7500 miles per year
$2000 total at signing for first and fees
Only $269/month + Tax


No better deal out there. Period.

MA/RI/NH only

15% off pre rebates on my last 2 Q5 55e

BIG builds
Prem plus
Sport plus (perf tires)
Black optics

12 months
7500 miles per year
$2500 at signing for first and fees
Only $365/month + Tax

$650 fee


12.5 off Audi Q6 E Tron!

Insane for a new model

MA/RI/NH only

Premiums start at
$2500 at signing for first and fees
23 addtl of $659/month + Tax

Premium Plus - $689/month + Tax!

the q5’s are all '24 I presume?

Yes that’s correct

Are de Q5 still available?

1-2 left

Gotta sign asap before programs change or risk losing cash

Can you do 24 months?

Please read posts above

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My bad didn’t realize until now the Q5 is the Electric version. Any offers on non electric models?

MA/RI/NH only

12.5% off Q7s with a small rate bump
Plus $4500 in rebates

Q7 55 Prem Plus
MSRP $75xxx
$2750 at signing for first and fees
35 addtl payments of $799/month + Tax!

Broker Fee: $600

great deals on these - first time in a long time!

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