🦞 BostonCarConcierge Feb Ford - Update 2/5 - Insane Lightning Deals for MA Residents! Lowest Effectives Yet!

New England Residents Only

Build 1Deal fell through in store on the Area 51 above. Still available at MSRP + $799 product. Can’t believe a Badlands, sasquatch, hard top, high package, v6 is still available!

Build 2 Also, just arrived (this was my personal order but I took the e tron GT instead)

MSRP + $799 product

Eruption Green
High Package
Soft Top

Build 3
MSRP + $799 product

Velocity Blue
High Package
Hard Top




I’ve seen Broncos in all 3 colors and they look outstanding! Can’t go wrong with either build!

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Hey @Bostoncarconcierge looks like Mach e’s deals are becoming possible ?

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Just got a handful of perfectly specd f350 platinums w HO diesel, roof, and all necessary packages for hauling and plowing.

MSRPs just shy of $100K

Taking $3500 off sticker and including ceramic.

These high trim super duties are extremely hard to get right now.

New England buyers only


Mr plow GIFs - Obtenez le meilleur gif sur GIFER



New here, where can I find deals for Ford Maverick?

No Mark Up Ford group on Facebook has some for sticker outside of New England but if you’re looking in MA @Bostoncarconcierge might be able to work his magic.

Curious with the market in the situation it’s in, and credit about to be non existent, why these companies aren’t reflecting that in discounts. I would think anything this expensive would be below msrp, I realize these are good deals in comparison but wondering why they aren’t offering even better if they are in a jam.

Just got handful of Lightning XLTs. There is no better car for the money for MA residents imo.

Lightning XLT
MSRP $65xxx
True $0 due (not even first payment)
35 addtl payments of $510/month Including BOTH excise tax ($90) and sales tax.

Then, Tesla owners get $1000 in conquest
Ram owners get $2000 in conquest
Private offers can be added

(These 3 do not stack)

MA residents, regardless of income, also get a $7500 check back from MA via the MOR-EV program! This reduces your effective payment by more than $200/month!

Pick-Ups and Class 2b Vehicles | MOR-EV.org

$500 broker fee on these
MA residents only


Best deal for MA residents on an F150 Lightning Flash
I’ve done the research and do not think there is anything better out there this month

Flash Trim - Extended range battery and all the necessary tech
Sample MSRP 71,185
Sale Price: 65,850
7.5% off sticker before Rebates

Pricing below does not include private offer, Ram conquest, or Tesla conquest

36 months
7500 miles per year
True $0 at signing
35 payments of $483/month PLUS sales tax and excise tax
35 payments of $599/month INC sales tax and excise tax

Then, you get $7500 back from MA bringing your effective to $391 INCLUDING sales tax and excise tax

Ram conquest saves $2000 more
Tesla conquest saves $1000 more


Price drop on the XLTs!

True $0 due (not even first)
35 addtl payments of $475/month inc sales tax and excise
This is before the $7500 check from MA

Conquest can be added !


Anything for AXZD ? Leasehackr shows :
Special A/X/Z/D-Plan RCL Customer Cash $10500
but assuming that can’t be combined with the 10,500 EV RCL cash

Can the $7500 tax credit get applied directly or does it need to be filled after signing the lease?

Ridiculous pricing on these
Specials for 3 XLT units for MA buyers

First payment only at signing
35 additional payments of $449.99/Month inc sales tax and excise tax (makes up about $90 of the payment)

Then, post sale rebate through MOR-EV of $7500 (they literally mail you a check within 45 days.

Effective payment including sales and excise tax is only $242/month!

You can also add Tesla conquest $1000
You can also add Ram conquest $2000
Or, private offer

These do not stack

$500 Broker Fee
