🦞 BostonCarConcierge December Mini Deals - Update 12/3 - 11% off Countryman SE to end the year!


Denied credit app means someone is getting a steal on the above! Available again!

can you do NY for this

No sir

Ma/NH/RI only

Pending again

A post was merged into an existing topic: :lobster: BostonCarConcierge-Broker Serving New England and Beyond

More than 25% off pre rebates

Great spec loaner BMW i4 40e RWD

$2500 at signing for first and fees
Only $289/month + Tax w conquest or loyalty


Unreal deal

Text 339-364-0356

No trades


Crazy deal. Although it is pretty clear in your original post, you might want to specify what states this deal applies to. :grin:

Ha fair

Although it is sold now!

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Mini Update for 12/3!

ALL Models are 10% off sticker aside from Countryman SE which is 11% off!

Best pricing of the year on the Countryman SE!

For MA buyers, this is such a compelling offer.

Here are some sample deals -
MSRP - $46,300 -
$2000 at signing for first and fees + Broker
35 addtl payments of $303/Month + Tax
Add MOR-EV post sale of $3500 and effective is only $206/month + Tax!!

On a signature iconic with all of the bells
MSRP $51,300
$2000 at signing for first and fees
35 addtl payments of $361/month + Tax
After MOR EV post sale rebate of $3500, effective payment is only $265/Month + Tax!!

Broker fee is $550

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