BMW X2, GA dealer with high inventory

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If I’m not mistaken, you pay tax on sales price on a loaner but based on monthly on brand new in GA, which may explain the high monthly.

I know you do. I was being sarcastic as the advertised offers range in the 350- 400 (not including taxes and fees) and somehow I ended with a $650 offer :roll_eyes:

Taxes and fees are never included in the sales price advertised. If you know you pay tax on the full value being a loaner, I’m not sure what the surprise is.

Looks like the March incentives on X2’s are very aggressive - seeing 5500$ on 2018 models (4750+750 loyalty) here in GA.
Combined with the lower MF, may be a good time to pick up an X2 if the residuals are still the same.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Off Topic Landfill

Anyone had luck on a Hackr level deal with Atlanta BMW (Global Imports)?

My previous experiences were not that great…

7 posts were split to a new topic: Bmw X2 and alternative choices