I want to start by saying that from experience, BMW is relatively lenient when it comes to wear and tear. I always have some dings and scratches, front spoiler scuffs etc and i haven’t been charged. However there are guidelines that they go by, so you have to make sure you are aware.
if you’re over you have to pay for it. You can pre purchase extra miles at a reduced rate. Not sure up until when but there’s a discount. If you end up leasing another BMW, you can ask them to try to negotiate with BMW to do some overage forgiveness. Not sure how much they will forgive but they tend to do that to keep you in the BMW family.
You have to return the car with enough tire tread to pass (i believe it’s 4/32" from thinnest tread but you need to find out from them for sure). They actually send you a little guide in the mail 3-6 mo before end of lease with all the details but you can call BMWFS to ask. If your car came with runflat tires you have to return it with runflat tires. If you don’t, they will charge you for new tires. I’ve done many BMW lease returns and i just buy used tires from craigslist right before returning. Doesn’t really matter how they drive as long as they pass the tread level. I usually buy 4 of the same brand (doesn’t have to be the same brand that originally came on the car) but others on this forum have suggested that you can have different brands in pairs as in one brand for the front pair and another brand on the back pair (not sure if that’s true, you should find out from BMW). You can typically find a decent used set for under $200 and have some cheap place slap them on.
The lease return guide usually includes a “BMW inspection wheel” that you can hold next to your scratch to determine which dents, dings or scratches may be subject to excess wear & tear charges. BMW allows for small scratches and dents on your car as part of normal wear and tear.
Here’s some info from a 2016 lease return i did, not sure if it’s till current:
Any ding, dent or scratch over 2" will be chargeable if not repaired.
Any damage greater than 2" but less than 4" should be listed as a small charge.
Any damage greater than 4" should be listed as a large charge.
There are also guidelines of multiple dings per panel etc. All that info is part of that lease return guide.
Again that’s from 2016, things might change so check with BMW.
I also want to mention that you can get a pre-inspection done ahead of the lease turn-in date and i would suggest you do it before you jump the gun and pay for paint touch up etc. Mine was offered at the dealership by appointment. They do a whole inspection and even give you a report (takes about 20 min). That way you have time to fix anything they might find before you finally turn in the car. Mine pre-inspection didn’t cost anything.
Lastly, make sure you have the spare keys present during pre- and final inspection. There is a hefty fee if you lost it and in my case, they marked it as missing even though i gave it to them and it was time consuming to resolve it.
Also, the above is from my experience last year, things might have changed. Just follow up with BMW and ask and request the lease return guide if you haven’t gotten it.
Good luck.