BMW 7 series lease

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My 750i lease is coming up in June and I am sad to see the discounts drop down to 10-11% range (was 19-20% back in April). Was there a shortage or something?

When will the bigger discount return? If any?

Probably next year. You are aware of massive inventory issues due to chip shortages aren’t you…?
Doubt 20% off coming any time soon.

I swear there was a 20% or 21% off offer posted yesterday.

I don’t have time to look at this very instant, but search Marketplace.


Had two and both gone. We will have some more. @zodiac check with us periodically. We tend to get our hands on a lot of them but again, current market is tougher.

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Ha you tagged the wrong person. Hope they see your message.

Thank you all.

I will reach out and check on Clutch.

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