BMW 330i Lease Guidance

Got this information from a local dealer near me. This is my first time leasing, and while I’ve read a lot of posts and am gaining more understanding, I’d love some thoughts on the quality of this deal!

BMW 330i
MSRP $44,460.00
Discount $4,465.00
Price $39,995.00
Lease Rebate $1,500.00
$3,000.00 down payment - $493.00
$4,500.00 down payment $447.00
$6,000.00 down payment $401.00
*Includes all taxes/fees
MF .00175

So you’re getting about $3k discount from the dealer not including the rebate? That sounds just ok, not a good or great deal. Aim for 10% of MSRP. Can you try plugging those numbers into LH Calculator and see if you can match the payment?

You shouldn’t even be considering $4500 or $6000 down, even $3k down is probably on the higher end of what you should put down, per the prevailing wisdom on this forum, you should stay as close to $0 down as is practically feasible.

some reading:

If you’re open to loaners, check out this thread: LeaseHero's Socal BMW Specials (August) - UPDATED

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I can also do a lot better on a new :blush:

But the loaners posted are definitely the best bang for the buck right now for the 3 series.


Awesome thank you this definitely helps!

I’m interested in chatting more with you about a lease!

I sent you a PM!