BMW 330i Lease 2017


I am from Austin,Texas and the lease deal offered to me by the dealer is 571.54 $ per month
36 Months, 10K miles.
MF rate is .00176. Residual is 62%.
MSRP was 40,620. He gave me a discount of 2500$.
Bank Fee is 925$.
Is this a good deal?

Does it meet or exceed 1% rule?

You know the answer

@Warbeast No it does not, but how do i negotiate with him. BMW has done away with MSD’S.

How to negotiate is up to you.

Get a broker if you don’t wanna deal with the hassle of getting multiple dealer quotes.

Tell this dude to kick rocks you need better sales price

you tell the jerk to discount the sale price 8,000 and change the mf to 146(I think that’s the minimum for the month). or wait it out because new numbers come out tomorrow and no incentive for today I think.

Losy discount and marked up MSD. :-1: