Best Month to Lease a Car

Is there a month where lease deals are the most prominent? From my shallow understanding, I would imagine it to be the end of the year (December) as salesmen are trying to get their cars off the lot. I’m looking at leasing Gulia AWD and their lease deals are pretty disgusting right now, so I was thinking of holding off until the end of the year. Cheers.

Edit: Located in NYC if that matters.

Honestly I think around now to August is the best time because dealers are trying to move those 2017s out because the 2018s are coming or in stock currently

December, end of story.

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More specifically - December 31

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Is this a joke or a way of saying to lease as late in the year as possible?

Oct-Mar from what I’ve seen

Nov-Feb from what I’ve seen

It is no joke, December is traditionally the best month to lease. There will always be exceptions to the rule, but as a rule on thumb is generally considered December.

Try the last day of the month, an hour before closing.
The object is to catch them when they need to move a couple cars to make quotas - especially if it’s tied to their bonus. 12/31 is when I got my wife’s 328i for $258 (12k, 36 month, $900 down, includes TX tax on selling price). They were asking almost $100 more the week before.

Agree with last day of December. You can find a dealer that is trying to move a few last min units to meet a quota for a bonus. An hour before closing as @M5yates suggested is cutting it a little close to be able to finalize a deal and shop a few dealerships. You might finalize a deal an hr before to squeeze the last few bucks out but don’t start looking an hour before the dealership closes.

I personally think that Aug/Sep is a good time as the new model year cars roll in and they try to move old stock with the help of factory incentives.

+1 for last Day of December. All the factors that make for a good deal converge on that day. End of month quota, end of quarter, seasonality, availability of leftover models etc etc

Plus more leverage on trade-in, if you have one