Benedetto's Midwest Volvos - We Deliver!

Is the XC90 B6 Ult 6p or 7p?

6 seater for that car

@Benedetto It is possible to stack M pin from EX30 Reserve and affinity ABA pin? Does M pin from ex30 treat as loyalty? Thank you!

Hello! Please see my current Volvo offerings below!

As a quick note - I am required to disclose that I am licensed as a car broker by the state of Michigan.

November Volvo update is here!

I have posted all the new car prices - loaner/demos will be posted today 11/7 PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL PRICES DO NOT INCLUDE YOUR REBATES


  • Costco is back! You can stack with any/all rebates!
  • 25’ XC90s are cheap!
  • I have a VERY limited number of XC90 T8s left
  • Very small number of loaner/demo XC90s left - grab them fast!
  • XC40 and S60 loaners are very cheap
  • V60CC Loaner added!

Please remember that the spreadsheet price(s) do not factor in your rebates such as loyalty, A plan, affinity, or D Pin

You can stack Costco + Loy + Rpin or A Plan or Affinity

All prices assume the term listed 10k miles and do not include tax, reg/plates, and shipping.

Please submit your inquiry here


Just to post this - I am sold out of XC90 T8 plus models. I have a few coming in next month, but these will go quick.

I will work Ultras on a case by case basis. If you are a repeat client, I will prioritize your request.

Thank you for all of the inquiries this week!


I think you might be the only Michigan broker on LH. Are their any MI resident rebates? (i.e. Inifinti offered A plan pricing to MI resident in the past.l

None that I come across - VPP was nice in the past, but that’s long gone now.


How’s it work that the Motor city only has 1 broker on LH. That’s wild.

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Bc Michigan regularly smacks unlicensed brokers lol


Lightfoot is Chicago - did you just call @brunot99 and me bears fans?

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I have a few ultra xc90s that just dropped - I also expect a handful of plus models early next week.

For those interested, I will go in order from who has inquired this month.



There are a number of people who are scheduled an appointment or inquired this week that have not received a response.

Firstly, I apologize. I’ve been in and out of the office since the middle of the week for a personal matter.

I will try to get back to those who were missed early next week. Please feel free to Pm or reach out to me directly if you have any questions or want to follow up.


I would be interested in the T8 plus if you get another and also would look at the deal on your ultras that you currently have. I qualify for Costco is the only thing - idk how that is good for. I am
Also a current Volvo owner.

What would be the pricing for XC90 T8 Plus for 10k/year.
I have Costco and can get an A Pin.
Registration Zip Code: 46077


I am in Metro Detroit, 48044.

I am looking at S60 AWDs, blonde interior, sub $50k MSRPs .

10k miles a year, 36 months. $1000 drive off. I am looking for all the rebates I can. I am open to Demos,Costco rebate and can get the ABA/AMA rebate for $2k too. I am shooting for a sub $500 payment. Let me know, thanks!

Hi there,

I am in Mason, Ohio 45040

I am looking at XC90 AWDs, black exterior , beige or light interior.

12 miles a year, 36 months. $1000.

Am eligible for Costco rebate, Loyalty rebate currently owns XC90

I am open to Demos but would prefer new . I am looking to get the car by the end of month of as early as possible.

Hi, I’m looking into the XC90 Core trim 7-seat. I’m not familiar with leasing, and it’s hard for me to understand the table you posted. Can you help me know how much I need to pay at signing and what the monthly payment will be. I’m living in austin


Please submit an inquiry and schedule an appointment

Volvo got a substial bump on XC40 and XC60s - slight increase on XC90s from last month.

I have a handful of XC90 T8s in stock and many XC90 B6s that price similarily.

I will post an update and summary tomorrow.