Average new car prices break records, historical price now at $41,000!

It’s a big country and the world needs ditch diggers too. Can’t afford to live on $17/hr in Cali, move.

I wasn’t wagging a finger at you, just your comment. Entitlement flys high with your generation. A living wage and health (sick) care are not human rights. Neither are cars and affordable housing (that’s what roommates are for).

I’m considered the first year of millennials although I don’t identify at all with them. I’ve been through 9/11 while in college (talk about a bad economy). Graduated grad school right at the 2008 collapse (lost tens of thousands in lost wages starting a career then).

Life is not at all hard these days. Many people should not be in college. Especially when we’re so short of tradesman that easily make $50/hr. But these frail kids instead go to art school at 25k a year and become communists when they can’t find a job…

Looking for someone to blame for the bubbles? Look no further then Uncle Sam. However all this loose monetary policy is why this generation is able to make 100k+ on only fans instead of actually working at a strip club. Or selling their nfts for thousands. There’s opportunity everywhere. Just remember to save half for the tax man in this gig economy. Bc biden is hiring a gestapo of irs workers to squeeze every last nickel out.


We’re in no disagreement. My generation in particular is one of the laziest, least motivated, and least survival - oriented group of babies in the country’s history. We complain about how hard our cushy technology filled and safe life is, but imagine us trying to find food and shelter on our own 150 years ago.

That withstanding, the reality is that there’s likely to be large defaults on student loans in the future. And that will spill over into other parts of the economy.


Comment of the year, I laughed out loud on a client call.


You sound like angry, cranky , fed up with all this whiny shit Gen X. I always watch the boomer vs millennial/z fights, and all I keep thinking is there is a whole generation in between that’s tired of both of your bullshit!


Don’t get me started on boomers. They’re way more to blame for this countries woes with their complacency. They benefited from everything and contributed almost nothing. They were the true lottery winners in the corporation of the United States of America.


It’s funny to watch generations argue, especially when it’s the same-old “these kids today have it so easy! they’re so lazy! blah blah blah” vs. “old people just don’t get it!” The exact same conversation has been happening since antiquity.

It’s like the aging brain can’t do anything to seek comfort except finding ways to complain about how the world is changing. And find unicorn lease deals :joy:.

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Yes the powers that be love pitting us against each other. I get it. Have you tried talking economics with your average boomer? Or tried hiring a millennial?


Crazy thought. You don’t HAVE to go 100K in debt to go to college. You act like this is a necessity life like food and shelter.


Instead of defaulting…or letting students default on loans they chose to take out how about we put them to work to pay them down? Infrastructure throughout the country could surely use a boost. We’ll put you up in dorm type housing, provide a cafeteria to eat in, and you can have a day off a week.

Sit back and watch how many loans no longer trend towards defaulting.

Overall, too many sheep in this country and not enough lions.

The word you are looking for is forced labor camp.


Crazy thought, it’s not whether or not you have to, it’s the fact that millions DID.

Saying “you shoulda not done that” does not fix the problem.


Crazier is that when I went to my state’s university as a resident in the 1980’s, I did not accrue any debt as tuition was $10 per unit.

I did work part time as a security guard to pay for the books though.

Glad I did not have to rack up any student loan debts…


What problem? That people made dumb decisions and now regret it? No one put a gun to their heads and made them take a loan. Why don’t we have a government program to buy out all the stupid leases that people made on this site?

Bad decisions have consequences it’s called being an adult.

The “crisis” will end when people stop taking out 100K loans to major in under water basket weaving.

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Let’s stay on topic, which is about car prices.


7 posts were merged into an existing topic: Off Topic Landfill 5

What a thoughtful, nuanced take. Torn between the cognitive dissonance of “I don’t identify with my generation” as you make absurd, broad generalities about… idk yourself? or describing the mere potential of the law being fully enforced against potential tax cheats in the very same paragraph talking about “entitlement”.


Yes yes yes and yes!

Buddy of mine said his brother paid $75k for a Dodge diesel, he flew to Montana or Idaho to pick it up and waited like 3 months for it. This young man has ZERO need for a big truck like that but they are all the rage in CA.

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For 75k I’d be in many different types of cars over a diesel pick up. So much better out there for that kind of scratch.


Whaaaaaat?? There’s a labor shortage. Businesses can’t fill positions fast enough. And this isn’t specific to industry… it’s practically across the board, blue collar, white collar… This is one of the BEST job markets in a long time if you’re looking for a job.

I graduated in 2007… if you’re curious about what a difficult job market really is…


Different strokes. However he will have likely 80% of msrp in 4-5 years on that thing if he doesn’t put a ton of miles on. So his effective payment will likely be very low. You can’t say the same about most cars that are more fun to drive.