đŸ¶ AutoCompanion.com May CDJR 2024 - 14% off GC 4XE Base - Wrangler 4xe - 13.5-14.5% off Hornet EV! $137 a month!

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What Ursus said + you’re paying them to save you the time, hassle, AND getting you an incredible deal that you likely wouldn’t get given the current situation. So to answer your question, NO.


No, not to piss on a broker but to understand. I’m on this site to find a car. I saw that post and it literally says you pay the fee and all you get is put in contact with a dealership. So, am I wrong in saying the fee is just for an email address?

Is the dealership so loyal to the this broker that he won’t accept the same % off, and nothing else guaranteed mind you, if I asked it of the dealership directly.

I appreciate the work brokers do and you defending them, but from what I understand they usually do a lot more than just reveal the source of a dealership offering an established deal.

I think it fair to ask why this scenario commands the standard rate for less assistance.

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I understand how you may feel that way. However numerous clients, as referenced in our review page, disagree.

Our network dealer would never offer this deal to anyone whom attempted to circumvent us.

I can assure you that many have attempted this across a large number of our network dealers only to be directed right back to us.

With that said you are free to shop around and attempt to replicate the deal and we wish you the best. Hopefully this datapoint will assist you with your search.


I don’t understand why people feel the need to question why a business charges so and so. If you don’t want to pay it just move on or try to find a broker who will do it for less. It’s a free market with lots of options out there.


Are we close to the goal of 100?

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@MD2020 Why did you feel the need to create a duplicate account to ask this when you were already posting in @AutoCompanion’s other thread?


This is my normal amount. The other one is my devil’s advocate antagonistic account. I think critical discussion is important for lay users who are looking for the best deals.

Why hide behind a duplicate account (which is against LH’s rules, BTW)?


Didn’t know it was against the rules, and because I wanted a discussion to a contrarian question. I thought using an alt is better to take the brunt of the backlash, especially since it’s not how I actually feel. Online forums are not known for civil reasoned discussions

You wanted the comfort of anonymity, which is why so many people on the internet act in a way they wouldn’t in real life, in front of real people. If you are genuinely concerned about the community as you say you are, you shouldnt have any reservations posting your concerns on the account you’re “known” for.

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Anyway didn’t mean to distract from the purpose of your post. If you were closer to the west I’d definitely hop on. Unfortunately the extra shipping costs will wipe out most of the savings. Good luck

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Submitted an inquiry. Hopefully not to late to move forward on this group buy

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I’d also be interested but the latest order guide doesn’t have all of the colors and the 2022 configurator isn’t live; apparently Zynith has been added.

I can get a order guide up tomorrow.

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But the cutoff is tonight?

Yes unless I get an extension granted. GM said Friday.

Updated pricing coming in the AM. Group deal has ended.

Will you do another group buy ?

Likely not.

We have received approval to extend the group offer until Monday.

Jeep Group Purchase - LAST DAY MONDAY TO GET IN!


We are please to announce the most insane Jeep order offer available anywhere!

100 Orders must be placed to get this done!


Fully Refundable $500 Dealer Deposit
50% Refundable Broker Fee: $500
Tentative TBD Fee: $25
Doc Fee: $499

Wrangler Gas: 9.5%
Wrangler 4xE: 9.75%
Grand Cherokee 4xE Pre Order: 7%
Compass: 8% with Affiliate Only
Wagoneer/Grand Wagoneer: 6%
Grand Cherokee L: 8%

There are currently no lease programs for 2022 Jeep Grand Cherokee L’s or Wranglers. We are quoting these based on 2021 programs as a guide for what your price would be on a 2021. Your final lease payment will be based on the residual value and base money factor at time of delivery.

Production Begins December. Delivery 6-10 weeks later likely. Cancelling as a result of delays will result in a 50% refund of the broker fee.

This can not be retroactively applied to any pending deal under any circumstance. Please do not ask as the dealer is firm on this.

To place your order we will not be quoting anyone on a payment.

This will likely lead to an unprecedented volume of orders. As a result

  • We will not be able to quote you a payment, you simply will agree to the discount and buy rate money factor. We will simply collect our fee and connect you.

  • Placing an order means you confirm that you may experience a lack of responsiveness and immediate attention from our network dealership.

Inquire Below :point_down:

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