Auto Ninjas MARCH SOUTH MB/VOLVO DEALS! MORE EQE/EQS IN STOCK! XC90 PHEV Starting at $387/mo+tax w/ Inceptions DAS

Yes it should be, please submit an inquiry in the instructions above and our rep Jed will reach out and confirm available inventory.


We’ve got an EQS 580 SUV Demo going up as an X exclusive deal, make sure you are following us in order to not miss our best deals and X exclusive offers!

Nearly $150k MSRP Mercedes for a sub $1k pre-tax payment, talk about a deal!

Follow Auto Ninjas on X!

Do you have any eqs suv or sedan for South Carolina 10k/24 mths vs 36 mth less than 800 a month?

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If anyone is looking for a quote on anything specific, please submit an inquiry and our rep, Jed, will reach out and get you a custom quote on anything you need!


Good afternoon, all.

I read through all of the comments in this thread. Do you have any demo specials on EQE (suv or sedan), or the EQS?

Located in Florida.


We posted these Demos up in the Northeast yesterday, we post all of our best Demo deals on X/Twitter so make sure to give us a follow to catch the best deals!

You can also submit an inquiry to connect with our rep Jed, he will assist you and can confirm if he has anything available in FL that may be a good fit!


Sharing our most recent post on X with a bunch of fresh November Demo deals! Make sure to give us a follow to be the first to know on Demos, flash deals and our top deals for all brands!

Auto Ninjas X - Mercedes Demos

For the Love of God - We get notifications from the GM when anyone on here tries to go around us to the dealer. You will get charged pricing here + $3k. Once you inquire directly, you have to go through a sales person and the increased pricing there, and we can no longer help. Mooches cannot help themselves it seems.


Are those prices all requiring MSDs?
Any of the EQEs 3 row?

They don’t make an EQE 3rd row…

Yes, re: MSDs - feel free to submit an inquiry for a customized quote!

Re: 3rd Row - No - EQS or EQB are the only two that have that option

Sent my details via your form regarding the EQS450 loaner deal for a 36/10k. Please send me the quote details - thanks!

Can’t believe I already have to post this, smh, you know who you are


Wow, people are still doing this?

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People suck.


Im surprised you’re surprised haha

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sent my detail using your form. let me know!
eqs450 suv loaner**

People just meh

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To add - we have strong relationships with all of our dealers, most WILL oust you to us and let us know if you try to cut us out - instant blacklist for life and for the record, brokers do speak with each other when it comes to customers that do this, trying to save yourself $500 can cost you some of the best deals LH has to offer, do the right thing folks.



So they tried to be a Naruto Ninja and sneak behind you and found out that you are at a Kakashi level? lol


sorry, I meant do any of the EQS SUVs have a 3rd row?