πŸ”₯ Auto Ninjas January Volvo Deals! INSANE XC40/60 Flash Sale - $77k Polestar 3 from $293/mo w T&F Due

February Volvo Deals
2/8 Update:
β†’ Very strong loaner deals across the board

β†’ $599 Broker Fee All Deals

All of these are quotes assume tier 1 credit, 10k miles a year, and include tax from the monthly payment. DAS amount can be customized to your needs!

Any general questions can be asked and answered on this thread! If you are interested in moving forward on one of these cars please review the spreadsheet and fill out an inquiry through an appropriate listed link


Any incentives on the XC90 Hybrid?

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Hi. Could you post the 2019 xc60 T6 build specifics and colors? Thanks.

Believe its the same across all 2020 XC90 Models, would have to double check.

How many miles/year ?

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36/10k sorry should have specified!

30/10k for the XC60 though.

Any XC60 or XC40 deals on So Cal, by chance?


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Yep! We’ll be adding in a couple days! Stay tuned, and feel free to send a PM! Which trim on the XC60 we’re you thinking?


R-Design or Inscription.

I’d love the XC40 electric but not sure when it will be out / price.

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Can you get into more detail on the MSD?

It would be 10 refundable multiple security deposits!

another broker on this site is selling these with a 30$ discount, i.e the XC60, for $269. Are you matching ?

He’s having acquisition fee paid up front and charges a $100 higher broker fee :man_shrugging:


can you give me the leashackr link for the T5 momentum 2020 xc90 54K model

Sent private message

Hey! Just sent me a PM! Happy to answer general questions here though!

Any '19 S60 T5 Momentums left? And if yes, are they AWD?

Only T6 S60s! T6 R-Designs are crazy deals though.

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Loyalty is $750 for Oct?