πŸ”₯ Auto Ninjas February Mazda Deals! $57k PHEV Prem @ $349/mo w Inceptions! Local to NYC w Free Delivery

Assuming these are all tier 1 credit offers? Interested in cx70. Credi is in mid 600s. Are there still deals to be made.?

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Credit approval is based on your specific creditworthiness, the long answer is there are many different scoring models and what you see can be different, for worse or better, than the dealer and the dealer might get something worse or better than the lender - its complex. The short answer is, you can likely qualify as long as there aren’t issues with past autos or extenuating circumstances, but your tier (rate) will vary and that will be outside of ours, and (outside of asking for favors from the bank) outside of the dealers control as well.

There is also a credit score section within our calculator that helps give you an idea on where it might fall once updated. Sometimes we can get it bumped up a tier if one credit bureau is better than others. They initially pull from transunion


February Mazda Deals - CX-90 Flash Sale to Kick it Off!

  • Programs are strong across the board
  • Fantastic CX-90 Pricing - Insane value for a 3 row SUV
  • Free Home Delivery as Always for Most Metro NYC Customers (exceptions may apply)
  • Limited supply of some CX-90 & CX-5 Trims, but solid across the board

CX-90 Fast Start

  • Extra 1% Discount (see below deals) to kick off the month.
  • Valid until inventory is sold out or EOD 02/12, whichever comes first. Can lock discount in with a paid fee and submitted docs. Will revert to 9% after.
  • Free Home Delivery as Always for Most Metro NYC Customers (exceptions may apply)

Deal Sheet



Hi! A current customer with CX9 GT, can you please let me know what you can do for CX90 premium plus?

Shoot us an inquiry and we’d be happy to help.

As a heads up to others re: CX-90s supply is starting to get tight and anticipate it to be very slim at month end. The enhanced discount combined with light inventory means anyone in the market should consider closing sooner rather than later.

CX-90 Deal Galore

PHEVs - 24/12k Term, Inceptions Due at Signing, Regular Loyalty Incl

  • $52.5k PHEV Preferred, 10% off, $319/mo, Calc Link
  • $57k PHEV Premium , 10% Off, $353/mo, Calc Link
  • $60k PHEV Prem Plus, 10% Off, $379/mo, Calc Link

