🔥 Auto Ninjas February BMW Deals & Mini Deals! i4 40e xDr @ $399/mo w Inceptions Due! Local to NYC w Delivery

Just contacted you about loaner #5, look forward to hearing from you guys!

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Sold to you! Bonkers Deal on an i4 m50

X1 sold


Just contacted you about loaner #6. Look forward to connecting! Also interested in an I4 M50.

Yeah - wish I saw that i4 earlier!

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Just sent in inquiry about loaner 1 and 2!

December BMW Deals

  • Deals to be updated within next 24 hours
  • From first glance, programs mostly the same
  • Dropping a few loaners to kick off the month!

2024 X5 40i xDrive Loaner ~ 20% off MSRP



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does this x5 have m sport by chance?

What’s the spec sheet on this?

No - M Sport would have a $76k+ MSRP.

White/blk, Prem, Park Assist, Heated Seats/Steering

:electric_plug: :zap: :exploding_head:

BMW EV 2024 Leftover Blowout - Best Deals Ever Posted! Limited Inventory Avail!

  • First come first serve - can immediately lock in and reserve by paying our fee. Make sure to mention the deal number, fully refundable if credit isn’t approved, deal falls through, etc.
  • Free Delivery to Most NY/NJ/CT/PA Residents - Remote or Far Areas may be a small supplemental fee.
  • Pay Fee Link: Ninja Client Services | Auto Ninjas Inquiry Link: Auto Ninjas - Leasehackr Customer Form

Lock In & Reserve (Submit Both & Include Deal #)

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Please send me the numbers for Deals #5 and #8.
I have already completed the inquiry form :slight_smile:

bummer no DAP on the i4s

There are links to the calcs right in the post…


Trying my best

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What are the colors on the x5?

Updated it

Can you do $0 down DAS for X3’s?

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These went quick! Hoping to get a few more up soon, albeit a smidge less (but still insane). Can get ahead of the drop by inquiring now. Still a few left of others!

Should we drop an XM deal soon? :eyes:


Would love an XM deal!

Any new X3 deals?