Audi S4 Premium Plus?

Term: 36/10
MSRP: 61,490
54k before rebates
50k after rebates
MF: 0.00052
Residual: 53%

Monthly: 660 (Tax included)
DAS: 0 (Sign and Drive, 1st month free)

How is this deal?

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Not awful. What would MSD do to it?

Not sure, will ask tomorrow. I updated the post. Its 660 Tax included.

what’s your region?

What is it before tax?

Msd probably gets you right around $610/month and you should definitely do it if possible. Also make a small cap cost reduction (down payment) to get the monthly to $599 which will in turn reduce the amount of each security deposit.

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Good discount/rebates and low MF. Looking pretty good for 0 DAS. Not really sure what you can do besides putting MSDs down.

I don’t think this is a good deal at all. I got mine a week ago and it was this in summary (NJ is my state) :

MSRP: 64,040
3K CASH DOWN (includes 1st payment and all that good stuff)
MF: 0.00015
Res: 53%

Monthly with tax included: 555

Essentially if i did 0 down like you i would be at $631 a month, and mine has almost $3k more worth in options and more miles a year…

Your car had an MSRP that was $2,550 more than his and your selling price after discounts and rebates was 5K more, so you paid $2,500 more, on top of the extra MSRP
This deal is better than yours. Your deal has max MSDs his was without applying any MSD’s yet, yours was also 39 months not 36. His deal is very good.

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No. He has less miles a year which is about a 35$ a month difference. He can do better obviously by maxing out MSD.

How does he have the same residual as yours when you are at 39/12 and he’s at 36/10?

I am not quite sure…

No to what part? Yes, he has less miles a month which reduces monthly and you have more months 39 vs. 36 which also reduces the monthly. You have not actually refuted anything I said. His deal is better than yours.

According to edmunds residual was 54% for 36/12. So it was 52 for 39 months not 53. It has gone down to 52% for April. For 36/12

The numbers don’t seem right for his deal, then.

No his is not. His would be “the same” if he maxed out his MSD. End of story. Go to bed

Very mature. So now it’s the same? Your original post said it was a terrible deal. You paid $2500 more it’s basic math. This isn’t a debate. I am sorry you don’t understand but you are just wrong.


Term: 36/10
MSRP: 62,200
54k before rebates
50k after rebates
MF: 0.00052
Residual: 53%

Monthly: 653 (Tax included)
DAS: 0 (Sign and Drive, 1st month free)

How did I do?

Did well!!

Decent deal. :wink: