Audi S3 or Golf R lease

Hey guys,

I recently moved to the Southern California area and I am looking to lease an Audi S3. The first dealership gave me outrageous numbers so I looked at the Golf R which also just didn’t seem to add up price wise.

  1. Im in the Covina area
  2. Looking for a lease on an 2017 Audi S3
  3. I’d like a 3 year lease and 36,000 miles a year would be nice.

My questions stem from how I’ve seen such low lease prices on the forum in the SoCal area but my experiences have been dismal. Am I going to low volume dealerships? I know my credit is great so I am confused.

You probably meant 12k miles/year, right? You picked 2 cars that don’t lease well.

What you should start doing is to find specific cars, get the MSRP. Then go to Truecar and try to see what a reasonable discount is. There are some residuals and MF here that you can use to do some math so you will know what you are dealing with

One of the rule of thumbs is monthly (including tax) should be <1% MSRP (36/10k) so that is a quick way to see if you are near or far.

Yeah, both of these are pretty horrible leases unfortunately. Not all that much you can do; would recommend either looking into financing or different cars. Audi is known not to lease well and the Golf R is such a low volume car that dealers are not willing to negotiate much whatsoever.