Here comes the tidal wave…
Good thing all those potentially heavily subsidized cars are stuck at port and Audi rebates can’t be locked.
Proof that auto manufacturers do have a sense of humor.
If there was only a website that discussed these kind of deals
tell him to put his deal on LH calculator and we’ll evaluate how good is it.
I am wondering how he got it to $250 per month.
Can’t wait the next video when he starts complaining about this car. I’ve joined audi gt forum, it seems this car has plenty issues compare to other ev. Don’t get me wrong, I love their styling, but it seems audi ev has plenty issues.
Considering the rent charge is like double that at minimum…
250+ 600 (rent) = 850
God he’s annoying. 250/mo plus the fees taxes consumables (whatever that is). Basically everything we loathe here when someone tells us their great new deal as if those things have no relevance.
35k views. Welp there goes that deal gents. Except they’re gonna be calling Audi asking for that $250 rsgt deal
10k das I’m guessing. Pretty sure his buddy didn’t hook him up the way some people have gotten these for here.
I’ve seen what homie hookups at the dealer look like.
250/mo all he had to do was trade in the gl63.
I’m still mad that a “homie hookup” was more expensive with the SAME FREAKING DEALER AS A BROKER ON THIS SITE. (I beat brokers twice with deals but the last time the broker beat him by like 3k)
I’ve never had a homie hookup within 3k of my pricing (maybe an exaggeration). The family hookups are usually even worse. I tell the customer to be prepared for some animosity when you bring your new tundra to tgiving dinner.
A couple of years ago I had a sales manager bro inlaw offer the buyer an msrp tundra lease that was more then double mine.
Doesn’t that have to do with ownership exerting influence over pricing?
Sales manager is probably filling directions
From the owner
All dealerships back then were discounting tundras. This was in the 300/mo days for sr5 leases. He was a manager too not a lowly sales guy, so he had more power to get a discount. If I worked at a dealer and a friend or family member wanted a vehicle and I knew it was a shit deal I would send them elsewhere. But most dealers also hook up family member of the employees with discounts more then usual walkin customers. It’s just good business since friends and family usually will buy from someone they trust on the inside and they bring a lot of sales to a dealership that way.
But it’s the same in most businesses. I would never trust someone without getting multiple quotes. I had a family member in hvac quote me on a new heater in a rental property when I first started out, got 3 more quotes and he was the highest by a substantial amount. Assumed I was dumb and rich bc I owned a house at 21 I guess.
hahaha I’ve already received 3 calls because of that video.
“but I saw it was only $250/month”
What are the chances the creator is on LH …
I’d say odds the guy at the dealership that told him about it is. It’s rare that sales guys find these deals
@mani_is_kool 100% they know Leasehackr because “Leasehackr” is a barred word on their YouTube comment section, even though they appropriated the term “LEASE HACK” from us.