Please contact us for more info regarding a Q7
Any deals on the Q3 this month?
Yes cars are mostly in-bound. Please text or call for more information.
have an A6 due next month. how do we check if we have loyalty? Can you do deal for NV resident? looking for etron gt RS
We are only leasing to CA residents.
Hi Sam,
I texted you about the Etron GT for some more information
Only have prestige 121k msrp cars available! I believe we should have gotten back to you already!
If I read your post right, for March Audi is doing Costco, and no longer the BEV loyalty?
Yes that’s correct.
@EZAutoGroup Sam this is sign and pick up in SoCal right? What do NorCal people do? Any way to sign online and or ship it up?
Signed and picked up in SoCal only.
NorCal Residents must pickup and sign in person. Please contact only if your ready to go the week of.
Big Sam whats the deal with the Etron GTs this month? give us the details same deals as last month?
Hey! Unfortunately it is not nearly as good as last month! Most of the lower msrp inventory is all gone.
Looking for Black Q4 with Black Optic Package and Beige interior… similar to this: SIGNED - 2024 Audi Q4 E-Tron 50 P+, $499/mo, $1,987 DAS, 36/12K
or Black/Grey Q8 with Black Optic for the terms listed in post.
This is kind of a general question, but I see some really aggressive deals on the EV/PHEVs but then the non-hybrids/SQ8 are much higher compared to msrp. Is there a reason Audi isn’t subsidizing ICE leases right now and only the EVs? Are they in significantly higher demand?
It’s the $7500 lease cash on EVs. Big difference
Right but then they are artificially raising the residual values so these leases become attractive. Why not artificially put lease cash on the ICE cars?
bc AFS won’t get $7500 from the govt on ICE
The answer to this is that manufacturers have made too many electric vehicles for the demand that currently exists, because many people are still hesitant. They know how to make combustion engine vehicles to meet the demand of the market, but they are not yet dialed in on the supply and demand of the EV market. So they are setting the price high and doing lots of rebates to make the price reasonable and make people think they’re getting a great deal.
what % off msrp prior to rebates for Q8 etron sportbacks? They are struggling to sell these puppies