๐Ÿš€ Audi CA~ The Original Audi Thread ~ Q4 E-tron 3.1k DAS $399+tax 24/7.5k ~ EZ Auto Group

Been awhile. Leased an Etron from you in 2020.

What are the color(s) on the below deal?

2024 Audi Q8 E-tron Premium plus 79k MSRP
$4000 due at signing
$649 plus tax

Please text us for more details! 818-263-0533

Shot you a Text

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Is A3 getting any good deals/discounts?

What are details on rs6?

Please text us if you are interested in a Build sheet! 818-263-0533

Did the Audi Q8 etron deals get better even without costco?

Costco is still till Oct 31.


Any good Q4 etron deals? Looking for 24m or 36m / 7.5K Miles (Black / 50 Quattro).

text or call for more info 818-263-0533

You will see a q4 deal below.

Itโ€™s true- to save all yโ€™all fellow LHrโ€™s some time I can confirm this post is indeed far lower than any other post or spreadsheet you can find.


Do these include the 2k rebate for current Audi EV owners?

Nothing additional is available to be added to this deal.

IDK there was the one in TX that just sold for $699 Drive-off and $699 monthly. I believe it was $158k MSRP also at a 12% pre-incentive discount.

@massacremike TX is the wild west. We have taxes here in CA.


In CA, you pay tax on the 32.5k (+/-) of incentives (10% in most areas) and reg is more than 1.5+k

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Yea, in CA we have homeless to feed and the smash and grab bills to foot, so, yes we pay more taxes on everything


This was the reference. What you might have meant was, any other post in CA? Since there are better deals in other states.

It is fair to argue that it is one of the lowest posted on here. Especially for CA it is the lowest!

I donโ€™t see Q7 deals. Are the never discounted?