At what point will a dealer start to heavily discount a new car on their lot?


Does anyone know the max amount of miles a loaner or demo GM vehicle can have and still lease? Thought it was 7500 but can’t find it now.

Yeah, you’re right. C7 does, but not C8.

In that case, @Lax854 would have a much better chance at getting hit by lightning than getting a C8 for any discount. C7 is a different story.


lol I’d say challenge accepted but I think it’s supposed to storm this weekend :laughing:

In general isnt the employee pricing coming from the OEM (ie a rebate to the customer). I can understand that the dealer doesnt feel the need to discount more (as they can usually move the car at the employee price), but technically then isnt the dealer not contributing anything to the deal from their profit (which I understand isnt a whole lot)?

How do you know how much % to ask off MSRP with just knowing Days sitting on lot and mileage on loaner?

TBH usually it’s a crapshoot but I wouldn’t feel bad about offering whatever you’re comfortable paying for it and drop about 1-2% from there.

Something to look out for though: if a dealer has a lot of prior year new inventory that’s usually a sign that they won’t play ball but every door you don’t knock on is an opportunity missed.

So just to confirm there is 13k in revates on these trucks? Was that confirmed? Been looking at a few to buy but just an idea now.