Are there any inflated RV 12 month term one pays for Q4e /Q8E?
Here’s a sick deal on leftover 2024 Q4 Etrons. The 12 month special is back.
No rebates req’d. Set to NJ tax.
12/7500 - $349 w first pmt and MSD due at signing.
Or $388 w $388 due
The onepay is a little over $4200 ($350/month effective).
Text is best at 732-779-2587 or submit an inquiry at Program runs through Monday 2/3. Let’s make our inventory (and we have lots of it) disappear.
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The EV Specials tab on is updated for the 12 month Q4 etron specials. We have about a dozen Premium/Premium+ and 1 sportback. The traditional lease is the best option, as you can extend it another 6 months w audi, at a super cheap payment. The only real way to build these is first payment at signing or a true signing and drive (+ MSD if you want). They will not fund with cash down.
Example Q4 etron Premium $62k msrp:
12k/7500 - $343 w 343 due + 10 MSD
Q4 Etron Prem+ - $63k msrp:
12k/7500 - $376 w 376 + 10 MSD
Q4 Etron Sportback Prem+ $67k msrp
12k/7500 - $419 w 419 +10 MSD
These deals are good for NY/NJ/CT/PA. They do not make sense at all for DE/MD/VA due to the sales tax on the full selling price of the car.
Programs run through monday, so let’s get these cars gone.
Last day to lock in Jan programs on the 2024 Audi EVs. We made a nice dent in the Q4 inventory, but still have a good amt to go.
Cheaper than an Ioniq5 on the short term 12 month term, extendable to 18 months. Check out the “EV Specials” tab on or text at 732-779-2587.
Programs are roughly in line with January on the 2024 Audi EVs.
Our Q4 12 month specials are updated on
Reminder - these can ONLY fund as true sign and drives or first payment + MSD. You cannot do more out of pocket than first payment.
They extend 6 months at this payment.
We just have regular Q4s Prem / Prem+, as our sportback sold the other day.
Q4 Etron Prem - $356 w 356 due + MSD
Prem+ $389 w 389 due + MSD
I’m new to leases: Can you explain how MSD’s work? This is an amazing deal because everywhere else you’re looking at double the payments for the same Q4 E-Tron.
So how is it possible this is half the price? What’s the catch?
And the Audi Care, do you recommend it? I was under the impression all maintenance is covered for leases.
Given that it’s a 1 year lease, the cost of it outweighs the benefit, so no.
Do you include your fee in these calcs, or is that seperate?
It’s separate.
Thank you!
We have one Q4 E-tron that’s super loaded up at $66k that we’re doing nearly 12% off on. No MSD required.
12 months / 7500 miles - 458 with JUST 458 plus broker due at signing
This will go quick. Text 732-779-2587