🇯🇵 Aronchi's May Nissan - Altima SL $299, Sentra SV $219 [Tristate/DMV]

2 month pull ahead.

Hi, can paperwork be shipped? or do you need the owner to physically sign in person?

shipped to where?

Car will be registered in NY but the owner is located in FL

what happens to the actual car?

It will be staying in NY

yeah then ship the paperwork, that’s fine.

How can we get started? Interested in the nissan sentra

Hey all,
A dealer I know hit me up to sell their remaining 2020 Nissan Leaves (plural?). NJ lost its tax credit last year, but these are still unbelievably cheap. There are 11 posted in the sheet, including 2 regular SVs, 4 SV+, and 5 SL+. These work best on a 24 month program and there is NO TAX in NJ on EVs. Other states have to add their tax.

To see what your state offers for electric cars, please visit this link: Electric Car Tax Credits: What's Available? | EnergySage

Posted links include VPP in the untaxed incentive line. if you don’t qualify, please remove. Grad or military $500 can be added to the TAXED incentive line.

The SVs are $79/month.
The SV+ are $162/month.
The SL+ are $194/month.

$399 broker fee on these.


Are You able to get Leaf from NY dealer so NY residents can apply $2k clean rebate?

I’m not, but I’m sure one is able to, yes.

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Sooo I done messed up on the SV Leaves last night. There’s an extra $1k in incentives on those with Tech Package. Fortunately, that’s ALL of the SV and SV+ that I have.

Price drop. Starting at $37/month with no tax in NJ if you have VPP.

Might take the cheapest one for myself to use on deliveries.

SV with Tech Package: leasehackr.com/calculator?make=Nissan&miles=10000&msd=0&msrp=38410&sales_price=35117&months=24&mf=.00003&dp=0&dealer_fee=499&acq_fee=650&taxed_inc=13675&untaxed_inc=600&rebate=0&resP=52&reg_fee=400&sales_tax=0&demo_mileage=0&memo=&acqFee_check=true&totalLeaseTax_radio=true

Also this breaks the LH score of my i8 by almost 8 years.


Insane. Cheaper than some Power Wheels cars.

Cheapie is pending.

Next cheapest SV with Tech Package: $45/month with VPP.

EDIT: This car is also pending.

SV+ and SLs now available. Working on getting other SVs for the community!

Is it something you can offer for RI registration, with some state specific variations?

Thanks for posting this deal

Was just informed there are many many SVs at the port, so will be posting a list later on. For now, the SV+ and SL+ are available.

No, these are for the geographies posted only. Anything outside of NJ may have different incentives and has tax.

Can my Leaves get featured at the top of LH? There was a $99 Leaf promo the other month. These are $37 with vpp lol, and we have unlimited inventory through the end of January. @michael @littleviolette @trusted_hackrs


That guy who signed last week at over $300/mo in Michigan :man_facepalming:


People have to take L’s so the rest of us can take W’s. His loss is our gain. Now to talk a relative into a Leaf :joy: