Any upcoming lease deals to look out for?

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This one is cheaper

Not that many left to hunt them down and a lot of times all BMW leases require loyalty:(

Or electric

I notice the same thing in last couple of year. Most of the commonly discussed hacks are above $200 or even $300.
Feels like part of normal “life inflation”:slight_smile:

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My friend is kinda in the same boat with you. She leased a 2017 Cruze for 2 years 0 due at sign only 170 a month. Nowadays can’t find those kind of number of any car besides the smart electric after all the rebate… Cheapest you can find is probably a Toyota Tacoma with max MSD.
Ask @Cody_Carter for the spreadsheet. He might also able to give you some lower number since it’s only beginning of the month. Good luck hunting!