Any manufactor offering reasonable 24 month lease?

Coming to the end of my AR giulia lease and thank God it was only a 24 month lease. Had lots of problems but that’s another thread. I love rotating through car, as do many of us here.

From what I’ve been playing around with lately, there is a huge jump from 36/39 to 24.

Looking at sports coupe/sedan in the high 500 and low 600 range.


Hate to say it, Alfa and higher end Volvo’s come to mind. BMW 24 #s don’t make sense, neither do mercs.

Can’t really think of anything else that would make sense other than certain Audis.

Edit: c class 24 RVs are doable. Look into merc.

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Can you elaborate on the AR problems? I’m thinking of leasing a Stelvio